Alterra TVC + Media Buying

The brief

The brief came, and it was simple… On the occasion of fasting, our clients need was to launch a new series of ready meals and to communicate their classic vegetable products on TV.

And you know what they say: the simpler the brief, the bigger the challenge.

The concept

We decided to make 2 different productions of TV spots. One for each request of the brief.

In the one with the vegetables, we used the voice of Elisavet Konstantinidou, so that the final consumer would feel familiar with pur clients products. And we did the shooting in the busiest place during the pandemic, a super market!

In the spot with the ready meals, we tried to make the final consumer to feel keen with the personas in the scenario. Young people, who are in telework, and must solve the issue of their diet, easily and healthily.