11 Mar, 2016

We are happy to announce that we just launched our first Canvas ad on Facebook for our client beer-deli.gr, awarded as the best home brewing shop in Greece.

We wanted to create something really special for them! What would be more impressive than the new canvas advertisement on Facebook?

In case you haven’t seen canvas Facebook advertising before, it is a new kind of advertisement on Facebook currently available only for mobile users.

In canvas ad you can place links, text, carousel pictures, single images and videos! The whole mobile screen is covered from the ad, trying to urge the customer to use the Call-To-Action button.

It is a brand new ad experience from Facebook Marketing team, and we are happy to add it on the existing Facebook marketing campaign of the Greek champion of beer home brewing.

Would you like to add Facebook Canvas Ads on your Facebook Marketing campaign?

Wonna see Canvas Ad for your business also? Feel free to contact us here!